Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp

We’re back with another Sundays in Bed With… meme! This meme dares to ask you what book has been in your bed this morning and is hosted by Midnight Book Girl. Come share what book you’ve spent time curled up reading in bed with, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

I’ll be spending my Sunday night in bed with The Lore of Prometheus. I’m reading this for a blog tour next week with The Write Reads gang and although it admittedly took me a little while to get into the story, the pace started to really pick up around the 40% mark and I’m now at 75% and I’m invested in the well-being of these characters. My gosh, this is definitely not for the faint-hearted because there’s a lot of torture and experimentation and… It’s some kinda dark. 🙈 That said, I am enjoying how different it is to anything I’ve read before and I can see why it was the BBNYA 2020 winner!

John Carver has three rules: Don’t drink in the daytime, don’t gamble when the luck has gone, and don’t talk to the dead people who come to visit.

It has been almost five years since the incident in Kabul. Since the magic stirred within him and the stories began. Fleeing the army, running from the whispers, the guilt, and the fear he was losing his mind, Carver fell into addiction, dragging himself through life one day at a time.

Desperation has pulled him back to Afghanistan, back to the heat, the dust, and the truth he worked so hard to avoid. But there are others, obsessed with power and forbidden magics, who will stop at nothing to learn the truth of his gifts. Abducted and chained, Carver must break more than his own rules if he is to harness this power and survive.

What are you currently reading?

Oh, what a week its been! The vibes at home haven’t been great as everyone has gotten sick at one point or another and it has been TIRING. Thankfully, it’s not COVID but we’ve all been coughing and achey throughout the week and it has made the house a rather glum place to be. I’m battling another bout of bronchitis and it’s been painful and hard to breathe but I am taking meds so hopefully it’ll get better soon! Overall, I’m just tired and even more anti-social than before (even amongst family) 😂 and I’ve basically retreated into books, Animal Crossing and sleep!

I finished Jade War this weekend and OML, this series continues to amaze me. The level of detail in the world building and Lee’s ability to make me unhealthily invested in her characters is just… Next level stuff (I know, I’m killin’ it with all the words lol)! Honestly, I would read anything Fonda Lee writes now. This series has easily become one of my all time favourites and I cannot wait for the next book!

I have also been 99.9% MIA from the blogosphere this week cos of reasons and I’m just tired. I’m thinking about possibly taking a short break for the rest of April (except for my blog tour posts of course) but at the same time, I also don’t want to do that but I know I’ve been epically shite at engaging and it’s gotten to the point I’m just annoying myself now 🙈😂

Top 5 Saturdays: Blood Books!
First Lines Friday: 09 April
ARC Review: Crave Thy Neighbor by Teagan Hunter
#WWWWednesday: 07 April
Blog Tour Review: Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price
#TopTenTuesday: Books Overboard (Buh-Bye)!


Late to the party but I made it.

I hope you’ve all had a good weekend and that you have a great week ahead! Take care of yourselves and of each other, friends 🖤

16 thoughts on “Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp

  1. I hope you and your family are feeling better soon ❤️ And take all the time you need for a break — you deserve it! 😊

    In other news, I haven’t read Jade City yet because it sounds really complicated 😅 but you just might’ve convinced me to check it out! Great post Dini!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Abby! It’s been slow going but we are all making baby steps towards getting better!
      Also, I can’t lie—Jade City is pretty complex. The world building is intense and Fonda Lee does not skimp on details. I honestly think picking up the audiobook is the way to go for this one because not only is the performance spectacular but it really helped me with keeping the pace going and feeling more invested in the characters. I think I probably would’ve struggled a little if I had only read the physical book because my attention span is like, nil 😂 If you do read it though, I really hope you enjoy it! The No Peak clan has my heart ❤️

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  2. I hope you and your family feel better soon!! Taking a break sounds like a good idea. I might be doing the same. ❤ I really want to pick up Jade City because of how you are talking about it! I think I'm going to do just that after I finish a couple ARC's! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Leslie! It’s been tiring 😂 I don’t know what it is about these months of the year but it feels like I always hit some kinda road block between February-April? Haha It’s weird. I would definitely recommend picking up Jade City (audiobook if you can cos it’s amazeballs)! Then you can rant and rave to me while reading! Haha 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      • hahaha!! I WISH I could do audiobooks for fiction but I cannot. I just tried to do How to train your Dragon since it’s narrated by David Tennant. I couldn’t do it. I missed about 30 out of the 40 minutes of the amount I “listened” to! ahhh!! I was hoping to read a lot more than I have so far. I’m struggling.. so much is going on in real life that I’ve barely read for over a week!


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