#5OnMyTBR: Poetry

Hello Mondays, welcome back to #5OnMyTBR, a meme created by the wonderful E @ The Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. This bookish meme gets us to dig even further into our TBRs by simply posting about five books on our TBR! You can learn more about it here or in the post announcing it. You can find the full list of prompts (past and future) at the end of this post!

This week’s prompt is: Poetry.

Ever since I read Sammie’s post last week on Must-Read Poems for National Poetry Month, I’ve been thinking a fair bit about picking up a poetry book. I don’t read much poetry but in recent years I’ve gravitated towards the more ‘popular’ poem/prose authors like Rupi Kaur, Lang Leav, R.H. Sin, and Atticus. Surprisingly, what I’m struggling with for this week’s topic is narrowing down my list because apparently I like to collect poetry books and leave them lingering in my unread book cave for years (*echoes: years… year… years…*) 😂 Here are five that I’m really looking forward to reading soon!

I’ve wanted to get my hands on Our Numbered Days ever since I saw the video of Neil Hilborn reading his ‘OCD’ poem. I don’t know if you’ve seen it or not but it kind of went viral last year (I’ve shared it below because I can’t not). I can watch that video over and over again and it still gets to me!

Sarah Kay is another poet that I discovered through a Button Poetry reading (also linked below because I can’t not). Years later this poem is still one of my favourites (even though it’s from Phil Kaye’s book) 💜 I’ve had No Matter the Wreckage sitting on my shelf for quite a while now though!

I’ve seen these books everywhere. I’ve heard some mixed reviews about The Princess Savers Herself in this One but most of them have been positive. I love these titles and it makes me even more curious about the content. So I caved and bought it!

I gotta be real honest here, I saw the cover for If They Come For Us and immediately went to Book Depository and bought it because this cover is absolutely stunning and I’m all for diversity in my books! I’m looking forward to checking this one out. I’ve heard lots of positive things.

I feel like Pablo Neruda is a name many are familiar with even if they’re not familiar with his work? I’ve had Twenty Love Poems and A Song of Despair on my TBR for quite a while but I’m admittedly intimidated by its alleged greatness. There’s also something so beautiful and simple about this cover.



Do you read a lot of poetry? Do you have any poetry books you are looking forward to reading?

11 thoughts on “#5OnMyTBR: Poetry

  1. I’m quite a poetry traditionalist I feel. I just tend to read Irish poets more than anyone else. There’s something about poetry from your native country that speaks to you more maybe? I don’t know, maybe it’s just me!

    “But I being poor have only my dreams.
    I have spread my dreams under your feet.
    Tread softly for you tread on my dreams”

    Can’t ever go wrong with Yeats 😊😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

      • I’ve read his poetry on and off over the years through schoolwork etc, and I think it’s all online these days which is typically how I read it. But I did borrow a book from the library a year or two ago that is a collection of his works published by the Vintage publishing company which was pretty extensive


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