Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp

We’re back with another Sundays in Bed With… meme! This meme dares to ask you what book has been in your bed this morning and is hosted by Midnight Book Girl. Come share what book you’ve spent time curled up reading in bed with, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

I spent my Sunday in bed with The Raven Heir by Stephanie Burgis. I’m part of the blog tour for this MG fantasy so I’ll be sharing my full thoughts on it next week and my Top 5 Reasons for why you should read it. It was a fast-paced and adventure filled MG full of magic, shape shifting, and squabbling siblings and I enjoyed it!

Deep within an enchanted forest lies a castle where a set of triplets and their sorceress mother have lived for years — safe from the decades-long war for the Raven Throne that rages in the kingdom beyond. Cordelia, one of the triplets, has the power to become any animal with just a thought, and she yearns to discover more about the world outside her castle.

But one day, the world comes to her, when the eldest of the triplets becomes the newest heir to the throne. Knowing that being named heir means certain death, Cordelia’s mother hid the truth about which child is the eldest when she hid them in the forest. When her family is captured, it’s up to Cordelia to use her powers to keep her siblings hidden and discover the truth about the Raven Heir — before it’s too late.

A thrilling new fantasy full of magic, adventure, and the power of family.

What are you currently reading?

Can someone please tell me how we’re already in the double digit days of September? I took myself (mostly) offline this past week by essentially ignoring my phone and letting it stay dead when it died, and I have to say, I loved it a lot! 😂 This isn’t something new for me as I tend to prefer disconnecting after work and being in my own bubble but its been a while since I’ve done it and it felt quite refreshing!

I started watching The Umbrella Academy from season one (because what I remember from this series is full of holes) and wow, I forgot how intense it is! I do love it though (Klaus 4ever ❤️). I also ended up bingeing season one of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series yesterday and I really liked it. It’s definitely full of teenage angsty drama but I loved the music and the general positive vibes in the show so I’m glad I checked it out. I’m already a fan of Olivia Rodrigo but I really liked a lot of the cast, too.

I’ve been kinda on a roll with binging romances and this week it was all about the paranormal romances with vampires and werewolves. I’m now very much in a romance mood but I have to get myself back on track with my blog tour and ARC reads, which are coming up faster than I anticipated cos I don’t know where the time has gone! 🙈 Seriously though, why is it so easy to binge romance!? I’ve been feeling a little tired this week so I haven’t done as much blog hopping as I hoped to but I’m planning to catch up today after scheduling this post!

Here’s a quick recap of what I’ve posted this week (and wow I posted a lot more than I realised!):

Top 5 Saturday: Hyped Books
First Lines Friday: 10 September 2021
Book Spotlight: The Archer by Shruti Swamy
Book Review: A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
ARC Review: When Sparks Fly by Helena Hunting
#WWWWednesday: 08 September 2021
ARC Review: Impassioned by Darcy Burke
#TopTenTuesday: Books Guaranteed to Make You Smile!
The Magical Readathon 2021: The Novice Path (Possibility Pile)
ARC Review: The Meeting Point by Olivia Lara


we’ve been blessed with new music from kacey! gimme gimme gimme pls 😍🔥
justified – kacey musgraves

I hope you’ve all had a good weekend and that you have a great week ahead! Take care of yourselves and of each other, friends 🖤

13 thoughts on “Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp

  1. I was recently convinced to watch The Umbrella Academy and I fully regret it because nOW I NEED SEASON 3!! Klaus is my favourite too, and I love Ben with all my heart.

    The Raven Heir sounds intriguing – it’s exactly the kind of middle grade books I love to read. I look forward to your post on it 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh you’re kind of inspiring me to go completely screen free after work this week – I’ve got some reading to catch up on, might have to do that for a few days. You sound like you’ve had a good week. I keep meaning to watch The Umbrella Academy just haven’t started it yet!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s honestly such a great feeling! I do reach out for my phone sometimes and remember that I’ve turned it off (or sometimes let it die without charging it again lol) but it’s so peaceful not having to think about messages to respond to and getting lost in social feeds! I hope you have a great week ahead, Lindsey! 😊


  3. I loved The Umbrella Academy and can’t wait for the next season ❤️. High School Musical the Musical the series is a cute little show. I haven’t watched all of season 2 yet but I will. Hope you have a great week with some more dead phone time!

    Liked by 1 person

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