Behind the Blogger Tag!

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done some tags so I thought I’d get around to answering one that I was tagged in fairly recently by Leslie @ Books Are the New Black! Thanks for the tag, lovely 🥰 If you haven’t checked out her blog, I strongly suggest you head on over there because her content is great!

If it isn’t obvious from the title, this is a tag that lets you readers get to know me a little better! So if you’re not keen on doing that (which is totally okay), you should probably leave now 🤣 Without further ado… Let’s get to it!

The Rules

Why did you start blogging? & Why have you kept blogging?

Being very honest, the main reason I started blogging was because I wanted to get (e)ARCs and I thought having a blog was one of the only ways to do that. 😅 When I started I’d already had my bookstagram running for a few months, and I was really focused on that more than my blog, but that’s completely changed now since I’m rarely on there.

I’ve kept blogging because it was so much more rewarding than I anticipated. I used to have a personal blog that I kept for almost 10 years but I stopped because I didn’t feel inspired anymore. Being part of the book community, sharing my thoughts, and having people actually read and relate to them has been so rewarding, but most importantly it’s meeting so many like-minded people that has kept me motivated with blogging! (And I really hope that doesn’t change any time soon!)

What is your favorite type of blog post to write?

I really enjoy writing the weekly meme posts which is what a lot of my blog contains on top of the reviews I write. #5OnMyTBR, Top Ten Tuesday, #WWWWednesday, First Line Fridays and Top 5 Saturdays are so fun to do and even though I’m horrible at choosing/making decisions about favourites, I’ve come to really love making these lists! I think since I blog on top of a full-time job these meme posts are just what appeal to me most because I still have to think but not as hard compared to if I were to write more discussion posts 😂

What are your top three favorite blog posts you wrote?

It’s so hard to pick favourites — I’m rubbish at that! So I’ve just chosen three random posts that I really enjoyed making!

What are some of your favorite things to do to relax?

Well, reading obviously! But I also really love gaming (although that’s not always super relaxing when you’re in battle or on a quest haha). Another thing that really relaxes me is colouring — it’s just so soothing not having to think about anything except what colour I’ll choose next. I also love to throw on my favourite playlists while doing other things (like colouring) or sometimes simply doing nothing but lying back and listening to the song lyrics (while singing along off-key)!

What are three of your favorite things?

  1. My family & friends (who are basically my family!) 💞
  2. Animals (especially doggos, pandas, and elephants)
  3. Food (especially Japanese, Mexican and Chinese)! 🤤

What are your proudest blogging moments?

As of 20 May 2020!

One of the blogging goals that I set for 2020 was to reach 500 followers and I actually reached that goal yesterday! 😭 I’m pretty shook (understatement) because I didn’t even think getting 100 followers would even be in the realm of possibility for me and my little blog! I’m so thankful for this community, for all the people who follow me, for the new friends I’ve made… It’s beyond anything I ever expected when I started this and (sorry if I’m starting to sound like a broken record but) I’m so grateful for all of it! 🥰

What are your hobbies outside of blogging?

It’s a bit sad but I honestly don’t have many hobbies outside of blogging (and reading)! Um… I do love singing and I’m part of a small community choir here. I also really love to bake — pies and cookies are my absolute favourites to make 😍 If this counts as a hobby, I also love colouring 🤣 One time I got a bunch of colouring books from my friends and I was the happiest little panda 🐼 Sometimes it’s the simple things, right?!

Describe your personality in three words

I really dislike answering these kinds of questions because I always have a hard time coming up with answers! If I had to say… Loyal, Compassionate, and Stubborn (AF) 😆

What are your top three pet peeves?

I wouldn’t necessarily say these are my “top three” but… they’re pretty high up on the list!

  1. People holding very loud and personal conversations in public. Must you really? 🤦🏻‍♀️
  2. People who walk very very slowly in the middle of the walkway/sidewalk — and to make it even worse, those who don’t move even when you say “excuse me”! 🙄
  3. People who are rude to workers. That’s vague but when I say workers I also mean waiters, cleaners/helpers, etc. Okay, this one is definitely in my top three (maybe even top two!) because I can’t stand those who treat people like trash just because they feel they’re better than them. Reality check: you’re really not. This is the toxic environment that I’m leaving and I couldn’t be happier! 😤

What’s something your followers don’t know about you?

Hmm… Hard to choose because I feel like there’s a lot that my followers don’t know about me 😁 But I’m going with the most random thing I can think of (that a lot of people in my real life probably don’t even know about me): I used to teach hip hop dance and break dancing with a friend when I was in high school. When I was in boarding school in Australia, I started an after-school dance club with a friend that counted towards my extracurricular credits! It was heaps of fun 😊

And that’s it folks! I hope you enjoyed reading those little tidbits about me — not very interesting but hey, that’s me 🤷🏻‍♀️ This was a lot of fun to answer so thanks again for tagging me, Leslie!

I’m Tagging:

Again, no pressure if tags aren’t your thing 😊 Even if you’re not tagged and want to do this, go for gold! Don’t forget to link back so I can read your answers and learn more about you too! 🥰

Alex | Becky | Deanna | Dedra | Sammie | EVERYONE!

31 thoughts on “Behind the Blogger Tag!

    • Thanks Dedra! ❤ I honestly never thought it'd happen for me either and I'm still pretty shook about it! I'd love to say that "numbers don't matter" but it definitely gives a good motivational bump to keep on doing what I'm doing! I can't wait to see your answer if/when you do this one ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Susan! LOL It’s hard not to freak out over Nevernight, huh? I think your post was definitely a million times more appealing than mine though 😂 Really loved that post of yours 😍


  1. The bookish community is so great. The likes and comments and followers are what keeps me going. And I love interacting with other bookish people through comments, that is something I never experience in real because none of my friends are readers.
    And congrats on 500 followers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The bookish community is amazing. Truly! I’m so glad that I found this community and allowed myself to take part and I’m so lucky the community also accepted me ❤ Finding other likeminded people, especially those who've read and enjoyed the same books as you, is such an awesome feeling!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on all the blog followers!!! And I can’t possibly see how you don’t think you’re interesting!! You by far have the most interesting background of anyone I chat with!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yay! I am so glad you did this and thanks for the sweet shout-out! Congrats on reaching 500! That’s amazing!! I also really find your pet peeves rather annoying too! I never understood how someone can walk super slow in the middle of an aisle! Even when there’s a line forming behind them! hah!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We all came here for the ARCs Dini 🙈😂🙈😂 Woo congrats on 500 my friend. Here’s to the next 500 and the joy those people will get at discovering you and your delightful blog. Also,,, ooh how can I break this softly……. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 Dini I have to come clean and admit that I walk slowly…. I do have arthritis though so you’ll have to forgive me lol 😂😂😂😂 Loved this whole post. Break dancing say whaaaaat? My two left feet are here like lol no, let’s just hide away our complete lack of coordination in the corner 😂😂😂❤️💙💖💛🧡

    Liked by 1 person

    • OMG hahaha I hope I didn’t offend you with that! I don’t mean all people who walk slowly but those who are completely oblivious to their surroundings and just stop whenever and wherever they please without considering that hmm, maybe someone is behind you!! Or maybe you should move to the side instead of stopping dead centre!? I dunno. Hahahaha also, I definitely don’t break dance anymore. Would probably break my arms trying to do that these days 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh gosh no Dini. I have genuinely overtaken people when out walking with my crutch so I’m with you 😂😂😂😂


  5. This was a fun tag, I loved getting to know you a little more! “I used to have a personal blog that I kept for almost 10 years but I stopped because I didn’t feel inspired anymore.” ME TOO. Actually it was on livejournal and I would still post at least once a year for a bit but I very rarely ever go on there anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Lisa! I enjoyed sharing a bit more with everyone ❤ This was such a fun tag to do! Omg, I had a Livejournal as well (although the one I had before this, the one I had for 10 years was also WP platform). But I finally closed that down last year after not blogging for almost 2 years? It was definitely bittersweet but… Good memories for sure!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Congrats on 500+ followers lovely, your blog posts are always so cheery & vibrant, and you deserve so many more followers 😍 I can’t believe you manage to post so regularly on top of a full time job as well 😱 OHMYGOD SLOW WALKERS. I CANNOT DEAL 🤦🏻‍♀️ And honestly I will never understand how customers can be so rude to workers? No matter what is going on in your life, that doesn’t give you the right to be mean to someone else!

    Loved getting to know you more 💛💛💛


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