Top 5 Saturday: Books about Assassins

It’s time for another Top 5 Saturday, a weekly meme created by Mandy @ Devouring Books and this week’s topic is: books about assassins. I love a good book focused on assassins, but I realize that I’ve got more of these books on my TBR than ones I’ve actually read. I don’t know if these are the only four books that I’ve read about assassins (probably not) but they are favorites, so book five will be a bonus book that’s currently on my TBR and will hopefully no longer be on it after this month!

The Riyria Revelations by Michael J. Sullivan
I think this was one of the first adult fantasy novels that I ever picked up and it was so good! I didn’t expect to be so sucked into the world and to become so attached to the characters. Royce & Hadrian are as different as they come but they complement each other so well. I’m keen to read more of them in the Riyria Chronicles 🙂

Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Maas
Throne of Glass is my favorite of Maas’ two series, even though I find that a lot more people liked ACOTAR more. There was a lot of intense romance in this as well, but I loved the world building and characters more in this series than in the other. I always thought Celaena was a pretty sweet as assassin who really lived up to her kickass reputation!

Mistborn Series by Brandon Sanderson
This was my first introduction to Sanderson and it was the series that bumped him onto my auto buy and favorite author list. This is truly an epic but it is incredible adult fantasy–his world building, characters and magic in this series are just amazing!

Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo
The characters in SoC are thieves and badasses. They’re the rebels and misfit and together they undertake an insane and dangerous mission to infiltrate a fortress. The world building is amazing and the magic system is also really cool.

BONUS: Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle #1) by Jay Kristoff
I’ve been hearing a whole lot about this adult fantasy series about a ‘fledgling killer’ who attends a school of assassins by Kristoff! I don’t know why I haven’t read it yet but I’m looking forward to starting it soon. I’m excited to read my first book written by Kristoff, since I’ve only read his collabos with Kaufman (but have seriously loved both series they’ve done together)!

What are your favorite books with assassins? Do you have favorite assassins? Let me know in the comments and let’s chat!

28 thoughts on “Top 5 Saturday: Books about Assassins

    • AWW thanks Amanda! 🥰I stretched a little bit with one or two of these books but they’re all faves and all recommended (don’t know if that counts for much though) LOL! I hope you enjoy whichever ones you decide to read!


  1. The only one of these I’ve read is throne of glass… And I’ve never been bothered to continue reading the series. I think this is where it’s really evident how much of a fantasy fan I really am… ie not much at all lol!!! But really great post Dini 👍🏻<3

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  2. What a great list! I want to read The Riyria Revelations really bad!! It sounds so good! I also haven’t read Throne of Glass, but I’m not sure if I will because I didn’t like ACOTAR so I am not sure if I will try it. But Throne of Glass is way more up my alley than ACOTAR was. Nevernight has been on my TBR forever, because it sounds absolutely fabulous!

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    • The Riyria Revelations was fantastic! I did wish I had read the Chronicles before that when we’re first introduced to the main characters, but it didn’t really matter because you learn a lot about them anyway and don’t feel lost in the series. ToG had similar elements to ACOTAR but it’s a lot better imo. I hope to read Nevernight soon too and I hope we both enjoy it! Lol

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  3. Love this prompt! I do like assassins and haven’t read too many books with them in it. I wasn’t a fan of Throne of Glass. Aelin annoys me, ha. I did like Nevernight but wasn’t really a fan of the second book.

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  4. I’m late, but I’m here! You had to know I’d see the word assassins and come running, like the well-trained puppy I am. 😉 I’ve basically just shoved these all on my TBR because assassins lol. I haven’t read Mistborn yet, but I definitely mean to! Same with Nevernight. 😀 Thanks for the recommendations!

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