#TopTenTuesday: 2021 Fall Possibilities…

So, we’re back with another Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s prompt is: Books on my Fall 2021 To-Read List.

As a mood reader, I’m not much of a TBR kinda person although some of these I do have to read before a certain date as they’re ARCs and for blog tours! The majority make up my possibility pile for the ‘fall’ season and while I’m not sure that I’ll get around to them this fall (again, it all depends on my mood), I’m still hoping to get them read at least before the year ends—and since they’ve made it onto a possibility pile, there’s a higher chance that I’ll get to them! 😊


The Wolf’s Curse
Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan Crow
Violets Are Blue


Concrete Rose
Fools in Love
The Keeper of Night
A Pho Love Story
Ace of Spades
The Atlas Six
Once More Upon A Time
Jade Fire Gold
Sunny Song Will Never Be Famous


Jade Legacy
The Bridge Kingdom
Isn’t it Bromantic?
Seven Days in June
The Love Hypothesis
Battle Royal
Beautiful World, Where Are You
The Bastard’s Betrayal
The Hand of the Sun King
The Goddess of Nothing At All

What’s on your to-read list this fall? Are any of these books on there too or have you already read them? Happy reading, friends!

56 thoughts on “#TopTenTuesday: 2021 Fall Possibilities…

    • Haha, fair enough! Honestly, there’s SO MUCH hype around it that it’s slowly working its way onto the ‘intimidating’ list because now I’m scared I won’t love it as much as everyone else seems to 😂 But if it’s not for you, it’s not for you—who knows maybe one day it’ll catch your eye 😉


  1. Wow, so many recommendations! And it’s great that you’ve organized these by reading age categories too. I have found that Middle Grade fiction can be wonderfully uplifting, so Hollowpox and Wolf’s Curse are what I’m grabbing from here. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    • This is the first time I’ve done one of these possibility piles this way but it really helped me to sort it out in my brain, too 😂 MG is SO good and I can’t wait to read more in that genre because I’ve enjoyed all the ones I’ve read so very much 😊 I hope you enjoy Hollowpox and Wolf’s Curse!

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  2. Ooh—I’m also a mood reader, and not a fan of the TBR, because how can I know what I want to read until I want to read it?

    I do keep a small list of books that I have out from the library *right now* so I don’t forget to read them, but even that list gets rearranged all the time. And I have a ‘read someday’ list for those books that sound good, but aren’t what I want to read right now.

    Did you read The Soulmate Equation? Looking at your lists, it seem like it might be in your wheelhouse. I just finished it (like, literally 10 minutes ago…) and I loved it.

    Here’s my list—https://fiftytwo.blog/2021/09/21/ttt-ten-books-im-looking-forward-to-this-fall/

    Happy TTT!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooh, The Soulmate Equation is on my to-read list! Actually, I have quite a few of CLo’s books still sat on my Goodreads want-to-read 😂 But I’ve heard great things about that book so I’m definitely looking forward to checking it out at some point. CLo always writes entertaining romances! I hope you manage to get those library books read and enjoy them too 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so excited for Jade Legacy! I’d love to hear your thoughts on Hollowpox – I love that series so much – and Grown is one I still need to get to, too. I love Tiffany D. Jackson’s YA thrillers, but they’re always such a gut punch. Great list, Dini!


  4. Wow, so many books on your list but I guess it’s quicker to read some youth books than long chunky ones. In any case, enjoy.
    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.


  5. I’m looking forward to reading The Wolf’s Curse as well!

    So many of the other titles look good, too, so I’m going to have to update my Goodreads TBR! XD


  6. I haven’t read any of these yet, but so many are on my Want-to-Read list. Concrete Rose, The Bromance series, Love Hypothesis, Seven Days in June, and Rooney’s newest one. I would love to hear your thoughts on these. Happy Reading! ❤


  7. You’ve got quite a few books on your list that I really enjoyed, especially The Love Hypothesis and Isn’t It Bromantic. Grown is one I still need to read as well. I’ve heard so many great things about it.


  8. I’m a mood reader too, and I never get through my list because of this – but I do try!
    I loved Seven Days in June and heard great things about The Love Hypothesis, which I’m hoping to get to soon. Happy reading!


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